What is Online Network Marketing Beginner’s Guide In 2024


In this blog post, we will explore the concept of online network marketing and explain what it entails. Network marketing can often be confusing, even for those who have been in the industry for years. However, we believe it can be broken down into simpler terms to better understand its essence. By reducing complexity and focusing on key aspects, we can better understand what online network marketing is all about.

what is online network marketing

The Basics of Business Ownership

Before diving into network marketing, it is important to understand the fundamentals of business ownership. To comprehend the concept fully, we need to take a step back and examine the different components of a business. When looking at a product-based company, there are several key elements to consider:

  1. Raw resources: These include materials such as sand, concrete, soil, metals, oil, gold, diamonds, trees, animals, and water.
  2. Manufacturing: Raw resources are transformed into finished products through the manufacturing process. This can involve the production of various items, such as glass, cell phones, bottles, jars, and more.
  3. Branding: Once a product is manufactured, it needs to be branded, which involves legal work, licensing, packaging, and considerations for different countries and languages.
  4. Warehousing: Products are stored in warehouses before being shipped to customers. This includes activities such as picking, packing, and shipping.
  5. Customer acquisition: This is the process of acquiring customers for the products or services offered by the business.
  6. Customer service: After the initial sale, customer service comes into play, which involves handling returns, complaints, restocking, shipping, and dealing with customers across multiple countries.

When considering starting your own business, it is important to decide where you want to focus your efforts. Each area has its own unique challenges and opportunities. However, it is worth noting that the highest margins and greatest security can often be found in customer acquisition. This is because the person closest to the customer is the one who makes the most profit. For example, large retailers like Walmart enjoy high margins due to their ability to acquire a large customer base.

The Simplicity of Network Marketing

Now that we have a clear understanding of the different aspects of business ownership, let’s delve into the simplicity of network marketing. At its core, network marketing is a partnership. When you join a network marketing company, you are essentially entering into a partnership agreement. This agreement involves choosing a company based on factors such as its products, compensation plan, policies, procedures, culture, training, and the countries they operate in.

Your role in the partnership is to acquire customers and service them. By focusing on customer acquisition, you can enjoy the highest margins and the most security. It is important to note that network marketing is different from other forms of sales, such as affiliate marketing or selling products on platforms like Amazon. In network marketing, you have the opportunity to build your own team and train them to be successful. This allows you to leverage the efforts of others and increase your earning potential.

The Process of Acquiring Customers

The key to success in network marketing lies in your ability to acquire customers. This process involves several steps:

  1. Lead generation: This is the process of generating leads, which are potential customers interested in the products or services you offer. Every business, regardless of its nature, needs to generate leads to expand.
  2. Contact: Once you have generated leads, you need to establish contact with them. This can be done through various means, such as in-person meetings, phone calls, or online interactions.
  3. Appointment: After making contact, you may need to set up an appointment to present your products or services to the potential customer. This could be a formal meeting or a casual interaction, depending on the nature of your business.
  4. Presentation: The presentation is where you showcase your products or services to the potential customer. This could be done through demonstrations, samples, or any other means that effectively convey the value of what you have to offer.
  5. Follow-up: Following the presentation, you may need to follow up with the potential customer to address any questions or concerns they may have. This step is crucial in nurturing the relationship and converting the lead into a customer.

It is important to note that not every lead will become a customer. Some may express interest but never make a purchase, while others may not be interested at all. This is a natural part of the process, and it is essential to respect the decision of potential customers. By focusing on the leads that show genuine interest, you can maximize your conversion rates and build a solid customer base.

The Importance of Quantity and Quality

In network marketing, both quantity and quality matter. While quality leads have a higher likelihood of conversion, it is crucial to generate a sufficient quantity of leads to ensure consistent growth. By consistently working to generate leads and improving the quality of your interactions, you can increase your chances of success.

It is worth mentioning that network marketing is not about manipulating or forcing anyone to make a purchase. Instead, it is about finding individuals who genuinely want what you have to offer. By focusing on building relationships and understanding the needs of potential customers, you can create a business built on trust and mutual benefit.

The Myth of “Born Salespeople”

There is a common belief that salespeople are born with a natural talent for selling. However, this notion is far from the truth. Sales skills are learned and developed through practice and experience. Just like any other skill, anyone can become proficient in sales with the right mindset and training.

For example, think about the process of finding a life partner. You may have had a specific vision of your ideal partner since childhood. However, you soon realize that it isn’t just about your preferences; it is also about finding someone who reciprocates your feelings. The same principle applies to network marketing. You are not looking for just any customer; you are looking for individuals who are equally enthusiastic about the opportunity.

By adopting a professional approach and focusing on finding like-minded individuals, you can build a team of dedicated business partners. The key is to identify those who share your passion and work together to achieve common goals.


In conclusion, online network marketing is a partnership-based business model that focuses on customer acquisition and service. By understanding the different components of a business and choosing to specialize in customer acquisition, individuals can enjoy higher margins and increased security. The process of acquiring customers involves lead generation, contact, appointment setting, presentation, and follow-up. It is important to maintain a balance between quantity and quality to ensure consistent growth. Furthermore, network marketing is not about manipulation but about finding individuals who genuinely want to be part of the opportunity. With the right mindset and training, anyone can succeed in online network marketing and build a thriving business.

Write By : Zohaib Pirzada

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