What Is Facebook Marketing? And how its work.

Facebook Marketing is a platform that offers a wide variety of highly targeted paid ads and organic posts, allowing brands to get their products and services in front of a large audience. Over the last decade, Facebook has evolved from the most prominent social medium on the Internet to one of the largest marketplaces.

What Is Facebook Marketing

Content Summary

Why Facebook is good for marketing?

  • Global coverage is available.
  • Offers highly targeted paid ads.
  • Makes organic reach possible.
  • Allows for integration with other marketing channels.

Digital marketing offers many channels to increase communication with the audience: social media, emails, messengers, search engines, SMS, web push notifications, etc. Let’s take a deep look at the reasons why you should consider Facebook as a platform to grow your business:

Global coverage is available.

Over 1.5 billion users visit Facebook daily. Approximately 2,3 billion every month. More than 7 million active companies create advertisements for this large audience.

With Facebook Ads, you can tailor your promotions to specific audiences based on gender, age, location, occupation, interests any demographic or behavioral data that users are willing to share with Facebook.

Makes organic reach possible.

If you don’t have the resources to use Facebook ads, build relationships organically by sharing content that people value on your Facebook page. Your posts will show up in the news feed, although the high level of competition will naturally make it harder to build an audience.

Allows for integration with other marketing channels.

Facebook marketing is not an isolated system. You can combine it with other marketing channels, such as email marketing, mobile marketing, search engine marketing, and Facebook Messenger advertising to create a promotion mix that will increase your brand’s reach.

How to Build an Effective Facebook Marketing Strategy.

  • Determine your goals.
  • Specify your target audience.
  • Select content formats and schedule posts.
  • Promote your post with facebook ads.
  • Use the Facebook Tools.
  • Measure your impact.

No matter what channel you use, you need to develop a strategy. It will help you to clearly establish your goals, choose the best techniques to reach them, define your target audience, measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and improve them. Below, we outline a plan that’s universal to any business looking to develop a Facebook marketing strategy.

Read More:

How to Build an Effective Facebook Marketing Strategy.

Advantages of Facebook Marketing.

In this part, we’ll take a closer look at the benefits of using Facebook in your marketing strategy. You will find out what other goals you can achieve with this platform besides reaching a wider audience.

  • Precision targeting
  • Increase in website traffic
  • A variety of ad formats
  • Customer Support
  • Positive effect on SEO

Precision targeting.

You already know that Facebook allows users to deeply segment their audience but let’s take a closer look at the available options. Within demographic targeting, you can select an audience with a specific income, education level, life events, relationship status, or occupation. You can find customers based on their interests, such as their preferred entertainment, sports, hobbies, and shopping habits. In addition, you can reach clients based on purchase behavior, intent, device usage, and more.

Increase in website traffic.

With this platform, you can directly drive your audience to your website. Furthermore, these people will be higher quality leads than customers who land on your site organically because they already know your company. So, you have more credibility in their minds. Encourage your followers to visit your site to find out more about your products. Also, when linking to a site, Facebook creates a full-size image if your site has a page. Therefore, it will attract the attention of many users and help you increase website traffic.

A variety of ad formats.

Facebook provides great opportunities for businesses that allow them to showcase their products from the best possible angles. Advertisements on this platform include both textual and visual forms. You can promote your post by turning it into an ad, create stories to show your behind the scenes, create a slideshow of your new collection, use carousel ads to show up to 10 products linked from related pages, etc.

Customer Support.

Many prefer to connect with a brand via social media. Phone calls are a thing of past. Build a chatbot for Facebook Messenger so users can interact with them based on their popular questions keywords. These may include price, delivery, payment options, purchase, book, and so on. All you need to do is create a scenario based on frequently asked questions by users and write the answers. Your chatbot will mimic real conversation. As a result, your support team will have time to deal with more complex issues and you can automate routine tasks.

Positive effect on SEO.

Some marketers claim that social media influences search rankings. It is assumed that the robots take into account your data in the About section during the ranking. Furthermore, your social media engagement contributes a lot. Shares, likes and comments tell Google that people are interested and engaged with your brand. Although there is no exact proof, it is not excessive either.

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