How to Make a Business Plan: Top 6 Building Blocks

Welcome to this blog where we will explore the 6 building blocks of creating a business plan that not only utilizes logic but also evokes strong emotions. By incorporating these building blocks into your business plan, you can increase your chances of achieving 80 percent of your goals and ultimately finding success. Stick around until the end to learn about our online university that offers courses to help you become a better speaker, salesperson, and strategist. But first, let’s dive into the 6 building blocks!

Top 6 Business Plans in 2024

How to Make a Business Plan Top 6 Building Blocks

1. Will and Skill

When it comes to improving and growing as a salesperson, employee, CEO, founder, or executive, it is essential to assess your willpower and skillset. Take a moment to evaluate the skills you need to enhance, such as sales, negotiation, conflict resolution, and financial understanding. Additionally, consider the areas of improvement for your team members and leaders. By identifying these areas, you can create a plan to develop the necessary skill sets for success.

2. Plan and Mission

Developing a logical business plan is crucial for outlining the day-to-day operations, goals, and incentives of your company. This plan acts as a roadmap for your organization, addressing demographics, technology needs, and territories to target. However, it is equally important to establish a mission statement that goes beyond the logistics. A mission statement should evoke emotion and energy, reflecting your purpose and what you aspire to achieve.

3. Systems and Dreams

Efficient systems are vital for any business. They help streamline operations, improve customer service, and enhance overall productivity. Take a moment to evaluate your existing systems and identify any areas that need improvement. On the other hand, dreams give you a sense of direction and purpose. Define your dreams and set ambitious goals for yourself and your organization. Clear dreams will provide the emotional energy needed to drive you and your team forward.

4. Capital and Vision

To successfully execute your plans, you need to consider both capital and vision. Capital refers to the financial resources available to you and your company. It is crucial to evaluate your capital goals and determine how to increase your financial resources. Simultaneously, having a clear vision of where you want to take your business in the long term will provide the emotional motivation needed to push through challenges and propel your success.

5. Competition and Enemy

Understanding your competition is important for strategic planning. Analyze your competitors’ products, target markets, technology, and customer acquisition strategies. This knowledge will help you differentiate your business and stay ahead of the game. However, it is equally important to have an “enemy.” This enemy represents the challenges and obstacles you face. Embrace these challenges as they will ignite your passion, drive you to excel, and elevate your performance.

6. Supporting Cast and Culture

Building a strong supporting cast is crucial for your success. Surround yourself with individuals who complement your skills and support your goals. Evaluate your team and determine who you need to recruit or delegate tasks to in order to optimize your operations. Additionally, focus on fostering a positive and inclusive culture within your organization. A vibrant and engaging culture will enhance employee morale, productivity, and overall success.

Discover Our Online University

If you’re looking to further develop your skills and knowledge, consider enrolling in our online university. We offer a range of courses on public speaking, persuasion, communication, sales, and more. Our courses are designed to help you become a better speaker, salesperson, and strategist. Click here to learn more about our online university and the courses we offer.


Incorporating these 6 building blocks into your business plan can significantly impact your success rate. By combining logic and emotion, you can create a comprehensive plan that not only outlines your goals but motivates you and your team to achieve them. Remember, a business plan is more than just a document—it’s a roadmap to your future success. So take the time to evaluate each building block and start implementing them into your business plan today!

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