How to Build an Effective Facebook Marketing Strategy.

No matter what channel you use, you need to develop a strategy. It will help you to clearly establish your goals, choose the best techniques to reach them, define your target audience, measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and improve them. Below, we outline a plan that’s universal to any business looking to develop a FB marketing strategy.

Facebook Marketing Strategy.

Facebook Marketing Strategy.

content summary

1. Determine your goals.

It all begins with setting a goal. Regardless of your business type, the general goals of every company are the same. Facebook offers opportunities to achieve the following goals:

  1. nurture and qualify your leads;
  2. driving traffic to the website;
  3. increasing conversions and sales;
  4. Improve customer support;
  5. increasing brand awareness;
  6. enhancing customer engagement;
  7. Recruiting;

Your goal pre-determines the techniques, posts, and ad formats you will use to achieve it. You can divide your goal into smaller intermediate goals. Thus, achieving each one of them will bring you closer to reaching your big goal. Finally, create a list of KPIs that you will use to measure the effectiveness of each technique.

2. Describe your target audience.

Analyzing your target audience is a high-priority task because it will predetermine techniques, ad formats, and your tone of voice. First, we suggest you answer the following questions:

  • Is your product intended for men or women?
  • What is the age of your customers?
  • What are their most common occupations?
  • What problems do they all have in common?
  • Why do they use your product?
  • What results do they want to get out of it?

To collect and store all the data about your target audience, and make the entire process more efficient, create a customer profile. This should include information on their location, age, gender, employment position, and income level. Read our blog post to find out how to create a customer profile.

Another source of information about your audience is the Facebook Audience Insights. With this tool, you will get information about the people who linked to your page, the people in your custom audience, and the people on Facebook. You can find out what your current audience likes, monitor where your customers live and what language they speak, their past shopping activities, the devices they use, and more.

This is a repository of information about your customers. Use every available tool to analyze your audience.

3. Select content formats and schedule posts.

Now that you’ve defined your audience and established your goals, it’s time to think about a content strategy that will help you achieve them. A content marketing strategy means you should create a step-by-step plan that includes the types and formats of content you will produce. Remember that the more content you create, the more conversions you will have. Using a variety of formats, posting consistently, and communicating with customers will increase your user engagement levels.

You should also be careful to use the right material mix. Promotional content alone will not help you build trusting relationships with your audience. In addition, Facebook can penalize marketers who are overly pushy about their sales promotions. Therefore, mix educational, informative, entertaining, and promotional content. If you manage to provide high-quality and relevant content, consumers will be happy to learn more about your product.

In order to create engaging content, you’ll probably need a content creator. This person is responsible for creativity. This expert knows which content formats will best help you achieve your objectives. Use photos, text posts, videos, stories and links in your strategy. When using images, make sure they are professional and high resolution. Stay away from using stock images. Videos attract and engage the most users. Keep in mind that the majority of users watch videos with the sound turned off, so make sure it gets your point across even without the audio. Stick to 3 sentences, using the text. Your job is to use them to your advantage: to attract, deliver value, and drive action. When adding links to your website, pay special attention to the image.

The final important issue is the consistency and frequency of publishing posts. We recommend that you produce 5 posts per week. That way, you don’t bombard users with your posts and will manage to produce high-quality content without brutal deadlines. Use Content Calendar for this purpose. With the help of this, you will get a clear picture of your content marketing strategy. Take care of all the marketing channels you use, align each objective with the content format, and distribute them across all channels.

So, in order to create an effective content marketing calendar, include the following information:

  • All channels you use;
  • the types of content that you use;
  • the date and time of publication;
  • The topic of your post;
  • the URL;
  • link to the image;
  • status of the post.
  • Fortunately, Facebook offers the ability to schedule posts and set up auto-publishing. Therefore, no need to worry about any human error.

To schedule a post, visit Publishing Tools.

Facebook publishing tools

There, you can choose the options you need for your post. Click the drop-down menu next to the “Publish” button, and select the date and time.

4. Promote Your Post With Facebook Ads.

Facebook is one of the best advertising platforms. It allows brands to reach a wider audience, provides a variety of targeting options, tools for successful outreach and a relatively affordable cost. This is based on a bidding strategy. You choose the time, ad space and target audience.

To start creating your ad, go to the “Ad Center” and click “Create Ad.”

Creating an advertisement

Ad Center’s interface is intuitive and very simple, so you won’t have any trouble with it. There are 6 steps in creating an ad. Follow this step-by-step guide to create your own ad.

5. Use the Facebook tools.

Facebook offers more value than you might expect. There are a number of useful tools that can make your work with this channel more efficient and profitable. Check out the list of several tools below.

Facebook messenger

It’s an app designed to stay close to your customers through text messages, video and voice communication. With this app, you can engage your audience, provide them with personalized experiences, and provide support.

SendPulse’s chatbot builder allows you to create a chatbot for Facebook Messenger. It will help you send personalized messages, bulk messages, and auto-replies to your clients.

A flow simulates a direct conversation with the client. Leave your routine tasks like handling orders and bookings, answering FAQs, and providing important information to a chatbot. You can build a flow based on the buttons your users click. Use text, photos, product cards, galleries, files, lists and other formats. The message will be sent when the user types in the keywords you used when creating the bot, for example, “price,” “delivery,” “purchase,” “refund,” and so on.

To create a Facebook Messenger Chatbot, follow these 3 easy steps:

  • Link your Facebook profile with your SendPulse account.
  • Select the Facebook Page.
  • Create a widget to gather followers.
  • See our guide for more detailed instructions.

Take a look at an example automated flow for a travel agency created with the SendPulse Chatbot Builder.

EasyTravelBot allows users to be aware of changes due to COVID in the country they are visiting. So, a client selects a country, then they are presented with travel tips and COVID updates. Each message depends on the previous choices of the client. The good thing is that customers realize that they are interacting with a bot and can talk to a customer care agent from the start.

SendPulse chatbot for travel agency

To find out more about chatbots for the travel industry, read an article on our blog.

Click to Messenger ads

With this type of ad, you can not only increase your CTR and conversions, but also allow users to interact with your brand through Facebook Messenger. Click-to-Messenger ads mean that you direct users to Messenger instead of a landing page.

This is what it looks like: the user clicks “send message” and they are sent to Messenger.

Click to Messenger ads

It is an excellent tool that helps companies convert customers into leads instantly. A well designed chatbot is similar to a sales funnel. If you manage to develop it wisely by nurturing leads, you will get lots of new customers.

Creating a Click-to-Messenger ad is just like creating any ad. The only difference is that you need to select the goal “Get more messages.

Creating a Click-to-Messenger ad campaign

Pages to watch

With this tool, you can analyze your competitors’ performance and their followers’ engagement. You can monitor the page’s total likes, posting frequency, and growth rate. This information will motivate you to improve and develop. You can analyze the strategy of your competitors and understand what they are doing better.

To look at your competitors, go to the “Insights” section, scroll down, and you’ll see the “Pages to Watch” section. Add your competitors’ pages and see their activities.

Pages to watch

With this tool, you can analyze your competitors’ performance and their followers’ engagement. You can monitor the page’s total likes, posting frequency, and growth rate. This information will motivate you to improve and develop. You can analyze the strategy of your competitors and understand what they are doing better.

To look at your competitors, go to the “Insights” section, scroll down, and you’ll see the “Pages to Watch” section. Add your competitors’ pages and see their activities.

Invite busy users.

Some people may check out your posts from time to time, like or share them without being your fans. You can manually invite them to follow your brand. Thus, you will be able to interact with engaged customers and convert them into leads with a well-designed strategy.

Invite engaged customers.

Another way to increase your group engagement is to send invites directly to your friends on Messenger.

Send an invitation to your friends

Click on “Invite Friends” and you can choose friends from your list to like your page. If you enable this option, invitations will be sent directly to Messenger.

Invite friends

These are some valuable tools offered by Facebook. You can squeeze the most juice out of Facebook if you dig deeper into the options and insights features of the Ads Center.

6. Measure Your Effectiveness

Your strategy will not work by itself. Its performance depends primarily on how well your audience interacts with your brand. Monitoring their engagement will help you get a clearer picture of the techniques that work best for you, and those that scare your followers away.

Luckily, you don’t need any third-party services to track your effectiveness because Facebook offers its own tool called Insights. You’ll know what formats work best and whether your content mix was created correctly. You can check page views, post engagement, story reach, page actions, your followers analysis, and much more valuable data.

Facebook insight

If you want to track conversions outside Facebook, for example, bookings and purchases, use Google Analytics, UTM parameters, Hootsuite Insights, etc.

Facebook and Email Marketing

We have multiple marketing channels to choose from: social media marketing, search engine advertising, Messenger, and email marketing, to name a few. It’s great that you can combine these platforms to achieve specific marketing goals with a precision that was never available before.

Find the optimal balance of email marketing and Facebook marketing in your overall strategy. Let’s examine ways these channels can complement each other.

What Can Facebook Add To Email Marketing?

With Lead Ads, Facebook allows people to opt-in to your email newsletters directly in a Facebook post. In addition to lead ads, you can incorporate positive user feedback collected on Facebook into your email campaigns to reinforce that sense of trust with social proof.

To ensure that all users who subscribe to your Facebook page are automatically added to your mailing list.

How Email Marketing Can Combine With Facebook?

Email marketing is a platform where the main communication unit is an email a message that includes text, offers, and calls to action. Its purpose is to increase sales and build lasting relationships with audiences. In the footer of every email, you can add social media buttons and suggest subscribers engage with your brand on Facebook. You can also create cheap emails by providing bonuses for posting about your brand on social.

With SendPulse, you can collect email addresses of users and let them join your chatbot in Facebook Messenger from a subscription form. In order to create a multi-channel form, you need to add a link to your chatbot.

Facebook marketing tips:

7 Step Of Facebook Marketing

1. Select the best time.

Marketers are always interested in the best time for their publications. Sure, there’s no one-size-fits-all, but you can find valuable data in Facebook Insights. Here you will find information about when your followers will be online. You can also check the performance of any post and know the optimal timing. In addition, you get to know when your audience is most active. In addition, you can use different types of content and post during peak and non-peak times to maximize search time.

2. Promote your Facebook page to other channels.

In order to drive traffic to your page, you must make sure that as many of your potential customers know about it. You’re definitely on other digital marketing channels, so why should you miss this opportunity?

If you’re into email marketing, add a Facebook button to each of your campaigns so that customers can easily follow the link.

If you’re active on Instagram, you can add your Facebook page link to your bio.

If you have a blog, make it possible for readers to share articles with friends on Facebook

3. Use relevant URLs for your page.

This element may not seem as important as it is. By affiliate URL, we mean using your brand name. This way, you can easily share your link on other channels, it will be easier to recognize and remember and will look more professional. The most important benefit is that your URL will contain your keyword so you will boost your SEO strategy, and your page will be more searchable on Google.

4. Include a CTA button.

These easy-to-implement techniques will help you increase conversions, boost engagement, and increase traffic to any page. It all depends on your goal. Look at your page and think about the action that an average user would want to take after viewing it. This could be Contact Us, Sign Up, Book Now, Shop Now, Follow, Call Now, etc. To add a CTA, click, plus Add a button below. Your cover page.

5. Support users with Facebook Messenger bot.

Consumers expect brands to respond to them quickly. This is a hard task to do manually. Create a chatbot that provides answers to frequently asked questions, helps customers place orders, discover delivery issues, and simply learn more about your brand. With SendPulse, you can build a chatbot for Facebook Messenger with no technical skills. You just need to develop the logic of the conversation with the help of the keywords.

6. Use Facebook Pixel

It is an analytics tool that gives you more insight into user activities. With Facebook pixel, you can create highly targeted ads for your future campaigns. Plus, you can track the effectiveness of your ads. After the user buys something or takes some other action, it will be notified. So, you can know if your ads are bringing the desired results, and then you can reach that client with the help of custom audience.

7. Build a matched audience.

It’s a great way to reach new audiences on Facebook. These are people who don’t know anything about your brand but could become your clients because they are similar to your existing customers.

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